
New monitor, Soundboard and Producer Kevin?

Thats right now Kevin was playing producer, and he was having fun... we call Scott to sing Dyana happy birthday... you'll just have to listen... Producer Joe is off to Florida to meet Julio.. next weeks show is ??? Hour 1 Right Click and Save as... (direct download) Subscribe in iTunes Hour 2 Right Click and Save as... (direct download) Subscribe in iTunes Hour 3 As usual in the last hour, it all goes to hell from here... Right Click and Save as... (direct download) Subscribe in iTunes BONUS VIDEO... I swear to god, some of these things that appear online aren’t actually made by human beings, or made by anyone, but merely willed into existence by the internet itself. I don’t know how or why the internet does it, but it always manages to probe that crazy, untouched corner in the back of everyone’s conscience and spills it onto Youtube for a million plus people to see. WTF is chocolate rain?

1 comment:

التميز الجنوبي لخدمات التنظبف said...

اهلاً ومرحباً بكم عملائنا الكرام نحن نقدم خدمان منزلية مميزة وذات ضمان وجودة عالية جدا عليكم بالتواصل معنا الأن وسوف نلبي طلباتكم بكافة تفاصيلها عن طريق بعض الروابط الخاص بالموقع الخاص بالشركة :.
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شركة تنظيف مجالس بابها
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شركة عزل اسطح بابها
